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Knots, Knotty Muscle Knots

Writer: Stacey Smurawa LMT, MLD-CStacey Smurawa LMT, MLD-C

What your Muscle Fibers Look Like with a Knot

Muscle Knots/Knotty back?

What are those hard lumps in my muscles?

A Muscle knot is a muscle that is all tight, typically found in your back, shoulders, and neck. Muscle knots are stiff bands of muscle that have a hard ball in the center, otherwise known as Myofascial Trigger points. Trigger Points are hyperirritable spots in the muscle, which causes local tenderness that spreads to other distant areas.

The muscle is contracting itself causing it to be hard. This is your body’s way of protecting itself from further injury and encourage healing. The tightening of a knot is involuntary, producing pain, tightness, discomfort and limited range of motion.

What Caused my Knot?

Muscle knots have many possible causes, the most known cause is overuse, heavy lifting and repetitive activities. Other causes are, muscle strain, trauma, overworked, injuries, poor ergonomics, fatigue, stress, dehydration, unhealthy diet, lack of sleep.

Our muscle fibers are made to move, lengthen and shorten, contract and relax. With our life being centered around electronics (computers, phones, games) we sit, and sit and don’t move as our muscles are intended. With this our muscles tend to stick together, causing the knots.

How do I know if it is a Knot?

We all have different pain tolerances and symptoms. First of all, it HURTS!! Also, with a little pressure you should feel a tight, swollen bump.

How Can I Get Rid of this Knot?

Treating a muscle knot can help reduce the amount of time you suffer, there are several ways to relieve muscle knots.

TENS machine, stretching, physical exercise, heat & cold, massage and regular exercise routines. The main goal is to release the trigger point, increase mobility, by loosening the knot and most of all get rid of the pain.

How Can I stop getting these knots?

Check your ergonomics at your desk, you can get an on-line chart to show exactly how your desk should be set up. This will help eliminate muscle stress.

  • Sit in a relaxed position, shoulders back and down, don’t slouch, don’t cross your legs.

  • If you are sitting all day, get up, walk around and stretch.

  • Lift with your legs, not your back.

  • Make sure your diet includes calcium, potassium, magnesium.

  • Drink plenty of water, the more caffeine you drink, the more water you need to intake. That’s correct, a cup of your favorite caffeinated soda or coffee, does not count as a glass of water.

Yes, You can self-treat those knots!

Although you should seek professional help, you can get some relief at home.

Gently massage the knot with your fingers, push on the knot and firmly massage it. If it is in a difficult to reach spot, put a tennis ball in a sock, this will help you maneuver and get that spot.

If your painful knots continue, please give me a call and I can help work out those knots.


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Sep 02, 2024
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Nice information

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