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Too often we underestimate the power of human touch! A smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, the smallest act of caring.

All have the potential to turn a life around.

It is through emotional involvement, physical touch and physical closeness that one can communicate to the acutely ill and aging person that they are important as human beings.

Benefits of Geriatric Massage

As a result of using proper geriatric bodywork techniques, it is almost impossible to do  damage to patients. Massage has many benefits to the care of both the robust and the frail elderly.

When a person thinks of a massage, they may envision a vigorous rubdown or a long relaxing session. Massage for the elderly, in an age appropriate, or in a more frail state of health, takes on a whole new perspective.

Massage for the elderly population uses different techniques and a maximum time limit of a half (1/2) hour. The style of massage taught by the DayBreak Geriatric Massage Institute ( has been proven to be effective, increasing health and wellness among its recipients. Because of these factors massage can become part of a healthy maintenance regime.

Benefits of Massage for our Seniors

  • Social Interaction

  • Improvement in the Length & Quality of Sleep

  • Reduces Stress, Fear & Anxiety

  • Deepens Relaxation & Breathing

  • Stimulates Bowels & Lymph Flow

  • Releases Endorphins

  • Creates a Sense of Well Being and Decreased Isolation

  • Maintains Range of Motion

  • Softens Hardened Muscles & Connective Tissue

  • Preventing/Overcoming Depression

  • Reduces Headaches, Pain & Inflammation

  • Maintaining a Healthy Immune System

  • Reduces Headaches, Pain & Inflammation

  • Increases Circulation

  • Stimulates Nervous System


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