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Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that cannot be explained by any medical condition. The fatigue may become worse with mental or physical activity.

Symptoms may include:

Six or more months of unexplained, persistent fatigue, all with at least four of the following:

  • Sore Throat

  • Enlarged lymph nodes in your armpits and neck

  • Loss of concentration or memory

  • Unexplained joint or muscle pain

  • Headaches with new type of pain, severity or pattern

  • Feel unrested after sleep ( light, restless, or poor quality of sleep

  • Pain that moves from one joint to the other without redness or swelling

  • Extreme exhaustion after physical or mental activity that lasts longer than 24 hours



There is no known cure for CFS, treatment will have to focus on relieving symptoms. Some treatments may include, medications, exercise, cognitive training, acupuncture, yoga, Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) can help relieve chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) by: 

  • Giving your Lymphatic system a kick start/re-boot.

  • Helps restore balance by improving Lymphatic flow in the chest, neck, and head reducing congestion.

  • Remove toxins and waste from the body, reducing inflammation and improve immune function.

  • Reduce stress and improve quality of sleep, helping a person feel more rested and alert.

  • Improve circulation of blood, which helps in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells improving energy levels.

  • Stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, helping ease pain through muscle relaxation.

  • MLD helps open the functioning lymph collectors and move the fluid into them.

Chronic Fatigue

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Prices

30 Minutes - $55.00

60Minutes -  $90.00

75 Minutes - $110.00

90 Minutes - $130.00

To Schedule Appointment Call or Text 

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